If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.
Tomb Raider and Unfinished Business[]
- All Weapons and Refill of Ammo: Walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and backflip.
- Level Skip: Walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and jump forward.
Tomb Raider II and Golden Mask[]
- All Weapons, Flares, Medipacks and Refill of Ammunition: Light a flare, walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and backflip.
- Level Skip: Light a flare, walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and jump forward.
- Exploding Lara: Walk one step forward, one step backward, turn around 3 times and jump forward or backflip.
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft and The Lost Artefact[]
- All Weapons, Save Crystals, Medipacks and Refill of Ammo: Draw Pistols, walk one step backwards, one step forward, crouch, release crouch, turn around 3 times and backflip.
- Level Skip: Draw Pistols, walk one step backwards, one step forward, crouch, release crouch, turn around 3 times and jump forward.
- Exploding Lara: Draw any weapon that allows you to crouch (except the Pistols) and either do the Level skip or All weapons cheat.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation[]
For all of these cheats to work, Lara must be facing exactly North and compass must be transparent:
- Unlimited Items: Go to the Inventory screen, go to the Small Medipack and hold down the following keys: G+U+N+S
- All Weapons: Activate 'Unlimited Items', close inventory, re-open Inverntory screen, go to the Large Medipack and hold down the following keys: W+E+A+P+O+N+S
- Level Skip: Go to the Inverntory screen, go to the Load Game and hold down the following keys: H+E+L+P
NOTE: Not all the LR cheats may work, it depends on which version of the game you have.
Tomb Raider: Chronicles[]
For the first 4 cheats to work, Lara must be facing exactly North and the compass transparent:
- Level Skip: Go to the Inverntory screen, go to the Load Game and hold down the following keys: L+I+F+T
- All Weapons: Go to the Inverntory screen, go to the Large Medipack and hold down the following keys: C+T+R+L
- All Items: Go to the Inverntory screen, go to the Small Medipack and hold down the following keys: A+L+T+G+R
- God Mode: Go to the Inverntory screen, go to the Flares and hold down the following keys: F+I+R+E
- Unlimited Large Medipacks: Make sure helth is below 100%, make sure you only have one Large Medipack. Go to Large Medipack in the Inventory, press and hold look, while holding look, press the button '9' at the top of your keyboard (not F9).
- Unlimited Small Medipacks: Make sure helth is below 100%, make sure you only have one Small Medipack. Go to Small Medipack in the Inventory, press and hold look, while holding look, press the button '0' at the top of your keyboard.
NOTE: Not all the C cheats may work, it depends on which version of the game you have.
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness[]
- none
Tomb Raider: Legend[]
- Textureless Mode: Complete game. While in-game press Backspace and 1.
- Draw Enemy Health: Complete game and beat Bolivia - Tiwanaku time trial. While in-gmae press backspace and 2.
- Infinite SMG Ammo: Complete game and beat Peru time trial. Backspace and 3.
- Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Complete game and beat Japan time trial. Backspace and 4.
- Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Complete game and beat Ghana time trial. Backspace and 5.
- Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Complete game and beat Kazakhstan time trial. Backspace and 6.
- Bulletproof: Complete game and beat England time trial. Backspace and 7.
- Wield Excalibur: Complete game and beat Nepal time trial. Backspace and 8.
- One Shot Kill: Complete game and beat Bolivia - The Looking Glass time trial. Backspace and 9.
- Wield Soul Reaver: Complete game, beat all time trials and get all Gold Rewards. Backspace and 0.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary[]
- All Weapons: Complete game and beat all Greece time trials.
- Golden Shotgun: Complete game and beat all Lost City time trials.
- Infinite Health: Complete game and beat all Egypt time trials.
- Infinite 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo: Complete game and beat all Peru time trials.
- Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Complete game and beat all Greece time trials.
- Infinite Mini SMG Ammo: Complete game and beat all Egypt time trials.
- Silver Mini SMGs: Complete game and beat all Lost City time trials.
- Sunglasses: Complete game.
- Textureless Mode: Complete game.
- Show Enemy Health: Complete game and beat all Peru time trials.
- Infinite Breath: Complete game.
Tomb Raider: Underworld[]
- Bulletproof Lara: Hold Lock Target and press Jump, Fire, Interact, Fire, Grapple, Sprint.
- One Shot Kill: Hold Lock Target and press Interact, Jump, Interact, Grapple, Sprint, Crouch.
- Show Enemy Health: Hold Target Lock and press Grapple, Crouch, Jump, Sprint, Fire, Interact.
Playstation 1,2 & 3[]
Playstation Games[]
Tomb Raider[]
- Level Skip (NTSC version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press these keys in sequence: L2, R2, L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, R2, L2. Then press Select to skip to the next level.
- Level Skip (PAL version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press these keys in sequence: L2, R2, Triangle, L1, L1, Circle, R2, L2. Then press Select to skip to the next level.
- All Weapons & Refill of Ammo (NTSC version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press the following keys in sequence: L1, Triangle, R2, L2, L2, R2, Circle, L1.
- All Weapons & Refill of Ammo (PAL version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press the following keys in sequence: L1, Triangle, L2, R2, R2, L2, Circle, L1.
Tomb Raider II[]
NOTE: A few players have reported that the PAL codes do not work for them and instead make Lara explode. If this happens to you, try the alternate versions or the NTSC versions of the same codes.
These are for using during gameplay:
- Level Skip (NTSC version): Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step back, and step forward. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, jump forward and roll in mid-air (Up + Square, Circle).
- Level Skip (PAL version): Light a flare (L2). Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward, then step back. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction. Then jump forward (Up + Square).
Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold walk and step left, right, left, forward, then back. Release walk and hold Left to spin around three times. Then quickly do a forward jump and roll (Square + back and then Circle).
Or, hold walk and step left, right, left, backward, forward. Spin around two times in either direction. Then quickly do a forward jump and roll (Square + forward and then Circle).
- All Weapons & Refill of Ammo (NTSC version): Hold walk (R1) and sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step back, and step forward. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, back flip and roll in mid-air (Down + Square, Circle).
- All Weapons & Refill Of Ammo (PAL version): Light a flare (L2). Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward, then step back. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip (Down + Square).
Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold Walk and then step right, step left, step right, step left, step back, step forward, turn three times in either direction. Then back flip (Down + Square).
Or, hold walk and then step left, right, left, back, forward. Then spin around two times in either direction. Then quickly do a backflip and roll (Square + back and then Circle).
- Infinite Flares: Enable the All Weapons Cheat above, then press Triangle to draw pistols (not sure if it matters which guns are selected). Press L2. A flare will appear even if there are no flares in inventory.
- Exploding Lara: Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward then step back. Still holding walk, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip (Down + Square).
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft[]
These codes are for using during gameplay without pausing:
- Level Skip: Press L2, R2, L2 twice, R2, L2, R2 L2 R2, L2 four times, R2, L2, R2 four times and L2. Lara will say "No" if the code works and you will be taken to a cutscene (if there is one), the end of level Statistics screen and then the next level.
- All Weapons, Medipacks, Save Crystals and Refill of Ammo: Press L2, R2 twice, L2 four times, R2, L2, R2 twice, L2, R2 twice, L2 twice, R2, L2 twice and R2. Lara will scream if the code works.
- All Secrets and Keys: Press L2 five times, R2, L2 three times, R2, L2, R2, L2 twice, R2, L2 twice, R2 and L2. Lara will sigh if the code works. You will havve eight secrets on your Statistics screen even though there are less or none at all in the level and if you go to "Items" inventory screen there will all the keys that are needed for that particular level. (NOTE: If you need more than one key do the code again.)
- Refill Health (NOTE: It is easier using Medipacks that are gained from the "All Weapons" code.) Press R2 twice, L2, R2, L2 six times, R2, L2 three times, R2 and L2 five times.
- Racetrack Key: This code is for "Lara's Home" only. If you don't want to explore the mansion for the key to Lara's secret racetrack, press R2, L2 three times, R2, L2 six times, R2, L2 five times, R2 and L2 twice to obtain it.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation[]
For these codes to work Lara has to be facing exactly North with the red point of the compass facing up while climbing a ledge:
- Level Skip: Go to the Inventory screen and highlight the "Load" icon and press L1, L2, R1, R2 and Up all together and then press Triangle to leave the Inventory and go to the next level.
- All Weapons: Go to the Inventory screen and highlight the "Small Medipack" icon and press L1, L2, R1, R2 and Up all together and then press Triangle to leave. You will have all the weapons (apart from the Laser Sight) and Medipacks. Re-enter it again to have unlimited ammunition and Medipacks. NOTE: This doesn't work in the Teen Lara training levels.
- All Items: Go to the Inventory screen and highlight the "Large Medipack" icon and press L1, L2, R1, R2 and Down all together and press Triangle to leave. Enter the Inventory screen again to find all the items needed for that particular level.
Tomb Raider: Chronicles[]
In Game Codes[]
To do these codes you need to go to the Inventory screen during gameplay:
- All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo and Infinite Medipacks: Highlight the Timex-TMX icon in the Inventory screen then press and hold L1, L2, R1, R2 and Up all together. Exit the Inventory screen and go back see that the code has worked.
- All Items: Highlight the Timex-TMX icon in the Inventory screen then press and hold L1, L2, R1, R2 and Down all together. Exit the Inventory screen and go back to see that you have all the items for the particular level that you're on.
- Special Features: Highlight the Timex-TMX icon in the Inventory screen then press and hold L1, L2, R1, R2, Circle and Up all together. Exit the Inventory screen, quit the game and you will see a "Special Features" option added to the main menu.
Adventure Select[]
These codes are for using at the Main menu:
Russian Base: Highlight "New game" at the Main Menu and press and hold Up and L1, while still holding them press X.
Black Isle: Highlight "New game" at the Main Menu and press and hold Up and L2, while still holding them press X.
Tower Block: Highlight "New game" at the Main Menu and press and hold Up and R1, while still holding them press X.
Playstation 2 Games[]
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness[]
- PlayStation 2 Level Skip: While playing, choose the Load Game option and highlight any save file. Then press R2 + SQUARE. Exit the inventory screen and the level should complete automatically.
- PlayStation 2 Level Select: Press Start to pause the game. Hold L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle (all together). Release and then press the following buttons in rapid sequence: Circle, Up, Square, Triangle, Right, Down. If it doesn't work the first time, un-pause the game, then re-pause and try again. When the code is entered correctly, this unlocks the Skip Level and Level Select options on the Start menu. These should remain available for the rest of the game.
IMPORTANT: Some people have told me that this code doesn't work. I don't have a PlayStation to test it, but more than a dozen raiders have contacted me to confirm that it does work, but only if you enter the code quickly and smoothly, beginning as soon as you press Start and continuing without hesitating between button presses. One player suggests pressing down the first part of the sequence (L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle) all at the exact same time, then releasing them right away and immediately going into the other sequence of buttons. It may also help to only try the sequence once each time you pause the game (i.e., if it doesn't work, un-pause, pause again, then try the code again).
Tomb Raider: Legend[]
Sega Saturn[]
Tomb Raider[]
- All Weapons & Ammo: Pause the game and turn to the last page of the passport. Press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X and Start; then press A and Up on the directional pad.
- Level Skip: Pause the game and turn to the last page of the passport. Press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X and Start; then press C.
Sega Dreamcast[]
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation[]
If any of the Dreamcast cheats don't work for you, try changing the controller settings from Digital to Analog while inputting the cheats. This should make them work correcltly.
- Dreamcast All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak and press L, Up, X, Up, R, Y. Exit the inventory screen.
- Alternate Dreamcast All Weapons: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L + R, then press Y.
- Dreamcast Unlimited Ammo: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press L trigger, R trigger, Up, Right, Up, Start, then Start again.
- Dreamcast Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight Load Game. Press and hold L + R, then press Y.
- Laser Sight Bug: (I know this works on the PC and have heard it also works for Dreamcast, but I'm not sure about other systems.) Combine either the revolver or crossbow with the laser sight then take aim using the Look button. Without releasing Look, press the number 1, the hotkey for pistols. (On the Dreamcast, combine the crossbow or revolver with the laser sight. Zoom in, hold L then press Start. While still holding L, select the pistols and press A. While still holding L, exit the pause screen.) You'll hear Lara drawing pistols and you'll now be able to shoot with laser-sight accuracy and unlimited ammo.
Tomb Raider: Chronicles[]
- Dreamcast Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.
Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L + R and press Down. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded.
Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Left. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Right. Hold the buttons until the level has loaded. |
- Dreamcast Access Special Features: Either find all the secrets during game play or use this cheat. Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Hold Y until "Secrets" reads "36/36". Now you should see the "Special Features" option on the main menu.